Monday 9 September 2013

Food for Thought

       There are several questions in mind, carrying them like clog is much difficult than replying them with innocently foolish answers to free the mind. Take an example what is exactly success means? Somebody says it is nothing but ultimate satisfaction, but there is no rational definition for such a dynamic concept which depends on perspective to look towards life and achievements.

विजय  क्या जानिये बसती कहाँ है,
विभा उसकी अजय हँसती कहाँ है;
बसी वह जित के हुंकार  में है, 
छिपी अथवा लहू के धार में है || 

        This is famous quote from Ramdhari Singh mentions that success is neither always the expected, nor only winning. Now do you think it is only the result which pleased you? Or gives you temporary satisfaction? When you get used to that satisfaction you will try to move to the next level and it’s not only in upward direction.
       As we know meaning of success depends on perspective of individual or group of people or society, so these can work as driving forces towards the success considering success is moving upward in social hierarchy or being privileged personal or being famous, important is what drive us towards this type of success. Society is major driving force towards this and it is might be a good for a person who wants achieve his identity in the society to get privileges from society in the form of status or else. But what do you think is it a positive force? Because we are driven by our anger, identity crisis, pity feelings which are generated in our mind by an environment around us by shaming, neglecting or criticizing us. So we are not on our own making the way, there are others forcing us towards they say it as success. Sometimes it is the fear of failure (losing control of our own life and surrounding) drives us just to regain control. Can we call it as success? Yes we can but again it is very temporary thing because it is not driven by positive forces like passion.
        You work for yourself, someone else or in bigger picture for society. If you are passionate about your work with eager to produce better than earlier irrespective of fear, anger, and publicity then it makes you satisfied all over the journey of life keeps you happy and pleased throughout. After all it is the journey which makes you successful in your own perspective and what others is achievement. 

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